Wednesday, March 07, 2007


My Works For Me Wednesday idea is an ongoing one. Years ago, I got tired of hunting for recipes in various different cookbooks, piles of printouts, and favorite websites. So, I bought a photo album. Whenever we develop a new family favorite, I type the recipe according to how I make it (I tweak everything I do to suit me) and I take a photo of how the finished product looks in real life. Then I put them in the photo album. When my kids are grown, I will make a copy for each of them to take with them when they start their new lives.

You can find more kitchen ideas this week at Rocks In My Dryer.


Annie said...

Thanks for a tip!
Have a great Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Good idea! i've seen that people make recipe scrapbooks, but personally, I don't have time to scrapbook my pictures much less my recipes! :) You idea would work great!

Rae said...

Great idea! =)

Robin said...

That's a fantastic idea! What a treasure for your kids.

Anonymous said...

I do something like you do but I don'take the photo. No time! It's a great way to keep those old recipes in the family!