Our mom's group meeting was a lot of fun! About half the people who said they'd be there actually were, and I saw that as a pretty good start. However, after shopping the case lot sales, going into a cleaning frenzy in anticipation of guests, and lifting a two year into his car seat one time too many, something sorta gave in me, and I hurt myself. The doctor thinks I strained the round ligaments in my belly and pulled a muscle or two in my lower back. I've been ordered not to sweep, mop, vaccuum, clean the bathroom, pick up my kids, or lift anything else of any real weight. No danger to the baby, just to my comfort and ability to walk until this baby is born.
During all of that fun, I was supposed to organize our next mom's meeting, planned for this thursday. After a brief panic, I decided to dispense with doing a craft til next time, and announced that we're having Choctoberfest. (I stole that idea from a brilliant suggestion I found on Works for Me Wednesday at Rocks in My Dryer.) Then I sucked in my pride and asked for help getting the house ready. I hate to ask for help more than almost anything. When help is offered, I'm more than happy to accept, but asking for it seems to cause my brain to short circuit. But it seems I will have to learn how for the time being.
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